- Formulate policies, plans, measures, conservation and management of natural resources and environment.
- Supervision Monitor, evaluate, and report on the results of natural resources and environmental management.
- Support for the efficiency and management of natural resources and environment through the Environment Fund mechanism and subsidies for local government authorities.
- Coordinate with international and foreign organizations under the International Convention on Natural Resources and Environment.
Looking at the national interest, aiming to build networks, being accurate in principle, and firmly believing in morality.
Core Value
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, where executives and officials have jointly analyzed and determined the core values. (Core Value) to help personnel in the organization have a concept. This will help support the successful operation under the strategic plan by using the term FUTURE, which stands for
Freedom Freedom of thought, expression, and atmosphere in a workplace with fear-free and open-mind under the framework of collective responsibility.
Utility Creating benefits for the community, both inside and outside the organization.
Teamwork Teamwork, team building, dividing duties within the team, and sharing responsibilities as a team.
Uncovering No concealment. Transparency, transparency and assessment of impacts on natural resources and environment, allocation of funds to public according to the rules and regulations, as well as verifiable documentary evidence.
Resilience Be flexible, fall and get up quickly, can learn from mistakes and improve themselves to move forward quickly.
Environment Concerning over the surrounding environment and the workplace appropriately including taking into account the community, society, environment and national resources.